Pitt County
Council on Aging

We are a non-profit agency that is committed to improving the quality of life for older adults through advocacy, services, life enrichment activities and friendship.

Our Services
The Pitt County Council on Aging, Inc. is a licensed 501 (c) 3 non-profit agency that is committed to improving the quality of life for older adults through advocacy, services, life enrichment activities and friendship. Through communication, coordination of efforts, cooperation with public and private entities and a high quality delivery system, the Council enables older adults to secure and maintain maximum independence and dignity. Through our daily work, older adults in Pitt County are provided access to services they need to lead healthier, more meaningful, productive lives.
The Pitt County Council on Aging will enhance the quality of life for adults by providing access to a wide range of services, programs, and resources that promote healthy living and independence.
The vision of the Pitt County Council on Aging is to become the premier aging agency leading North Carolina in services and programs for individuals 55 and older.
Aging is a normal developmental process that brings both rewards and challenges. Older adults have ambitions and are capable of continued growth and development. They have certain basic needs, including the need for opportunities for relationships and for experiencing a sense of achievement. They have a right to a voice in determining matters that impact them, and access to sources of information and assistance for personal and family problems, including opportunities to learn from individuals coping with similar experiences.
Core Values
The Board of Directors, Staff and Volunteers of the Pitt County Council on Aging are committed to the following core values:
To be professional, honest and ethical in all decision-making and action.
To promote diversity and inclusion of all older adults in Center programs. To be dedicated to making Pitt County a wonderful place to live for all ages through work and personal life.
To demonstrate empathy and sincerity in assisting clients, caregivers, and family members.
*Excellence in Service/Innovation & Creativity
To strive to be among the best senior centers in America through a commitment to excellence, constantly seeking new, creative and innovative approaches to service delivery.