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Medicare Counseling

Medicare Questions? 

SHIIP can help! 


What is SHIIP?  





The Council on Aging

serves as the Pitt County coordinating site

for the

NC Seniors’ Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP)

Our Medicare Services staff and volunteers are trained and certified by SHIIP to help Pitt County residents better understand their Medicare benefits and make informed decisions about their coverage options.


          Counseling Topics Include:

                *Medicare Eligibility and Enrollment

                *Medicare Benefits and Coverage Options

                *Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage

                *Medicare Advantage Plans

                *Cost Savings Programs (Extra Help and Medicare                      Savings Programs)


The Medicare counseling program at the Council on Aging is supported with grant funds from NC SHIIP and the ECU Health Foundation. While there is no charge for this service, donations are appreciated as they help us to continue to provide this valuable service in Pitt County.


© 2023 Council on Aging

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